In this article, I will show you how to setup inlytics to extract data from your LinkedIn profile.
First, we get started by downloading the inlytics Chrome Extension (Link to the Extension)
Why is that necessary? The Extension is the backbone of our app and updates your dashboard with data. Once it's installed and activated you can basically forget about it, since from now on it is doing its job of populating data.
I don't use Chrome - what can I do! No problem. You don't have to use Chrome in order to see your stats in inlytics. You just need it for the verification (step 2).
Do I need to be logged in to LinkedIn all the time? No. The Extension works as data feeder in the background. No need to stay logged in.
it sound like a big task, but it is not. The only thing you have to do is to click on the "verify" button on your Chrome Extension. That's it.
Please make sure, that you are logged in to LinkedIn before pressing the button. Also, you will be logged out from LinkedIn after a successful verification. This is normal and intended.
Now that you have verified your account you are good to get started. Please do note that it can take several hours to fully populate your metrics. If after 24h you don't see all the stats, feel free to contact us.
Click here to open your inlytics dashboard
Your real-time LinkedIn Analytics Tool for personal profiles.