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Groups in inlytics

What are Groups?

Groups allow you to visualize team statistics in a centralized dashboard.

Groups are especially useful for the following use cases:

  • For companies: As a company, you can see at a glance how your team's efforts on LinkedIn have an aggregated impact on the overall reach and performance of your company.
  • For coaches or people who manage more than one account: You have an overview of all your managed accounts and can granularly monitor the performance of your user.

I want to pay for my team, is this groups?

In short: No. Groups only let you visualize team efforts in a single dashboard. If you want to pay for multiple accounts, you have to create an Organization.

What access levels are there?

There are 3 access levels you can give people who join the group. When you scroll down to "Group User Roles" you see exactly how they work. Also, you can choose to create a group OR give a single person access to your account. With the second option, it is also possible to share the scheduling tool. Learn more about what differs groups from connecting to a Single Account down below.

What plan level do I need to create a Group?

You need to be on the business plan to create a group. Every person that wants to join a group also needs to be on the business plan.

How do I create a Group?

RememberYou have to be on the business plan to see that option.

Go to the "LinkedIn Accounts" page (this is the first page you see when you log in to https://app.inlytics.io/), then press "create Group/ invite people" on the top of the page. Choose the option "Create Group" to continue. Next, you will see an input mask where you can name your Group. Also, you can add a logo to your Group and define the Group purpose. In the next step, you will be asked to invite users to this group by sending them an email invitation (learn more about the Roles down below). After the completion of this step, your Group will be created.

What's the difference between a "Group" and "Connect to a Single Account"?

Groups let you add more than one person at a time. You can define user roles and visualize your statistics across all accounts. Perfect for teams and coaches who want to keep track of many accounts and understand exactly how individual actions affect the group performance.

On the other hand, if you choose to Connect to a Single Account, you give or receive access to only one account. There won't be a team dashboard at all. This is perfect for if you only want to collaborate with one single person at a time, or want to have a one-way-connection, meaning only you or the other person will have access to your inlytics data. It's also suitable for sharing access to the scheduling tool (we have deactivated sharing the scheduling tool for Groups to avoid abuse).

Group User Roles

You can invite team members to your Group. There are 3 User Roles you can choose from:


Application example: You are creating a Group for your clients to monitor their accounts. You do not want them to see each other (their statistics and who is in the group).


  • NO permission to VIEW and ANALYZE other people in the Group, ONLY sees who is managing the Group (Admins and Analyst).
  • NO permission to INVITE other people to join the Group.
  • NO permission to DELETE other people in the Group.
  • NO permission to MANAGE the Group (delete).


Application example: You are creating a Group for your team to monitor your overall performance on LinkedIn. You want your team members to see each other (their statistics and who is in the group).


  • Permission to VIEW and ANALYZE other people in the Group
  • NO permission to INVITE other people to join the Group.
  • NO permission to DELETE other people in the Group.
  • NO permission to MANAGE the Group (delete).



  • Permission to VIEW and ANALYZE other people in the Group
  • Permission to INVITE other people to join the Group.
  • Permission to DELETE other people in the Group.
  • Permission to MANAGE the Group (delete).

One practical example to make it more clear:

One Group has 10 team members:

1x Admin

3x Analysts

6x Users

The Admin can see all stats from every member of the group. He/ she has full access to manage the Group (delete and invite new people, change User Roles, delete the whole Group).

Next up the Analysts: They will be able to see all the Analytics stats from all the accounts in the Group (Admins stats, Managers stats, and also all User stats). However, they cannot change User Roles or delete the Group. They can only view stuff.

Users: They do not know about the presence of any other User in the Group. They only see their Analysts and Admins (who can see their Analytics account data). They cannot change or modify User Roles, just like the Analysts.

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